Explorer Spotlight

Our troop is comprised of 6 Disney fans from all over the US, and each of us has expertise on different Disney topics. We all come together to talk about all things Disney, but it’s always helpful to have a knowledgeable leader with each topic! Let us shine the spotlight on the troop for a moment and share each of our strengths.

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Minisode 2: Junior Explorers Round 1

JE1Welcome to Round 1 of the Junior Explorers, a series of minisodes featuring our explorers talking with their kids. After all, what’s better than seeing Disney through the eyes of a child?

Episode one kicks off with Adrianne and her 5-year-old, Melanie. Hear what Melanie thinks about Walt Disney World, and her brutal honesty with Cinderella about which castle is really the best one.

Click HERE to listen on iTunes.